May National Masturbation Month

"Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone you love." - Woody Allen
You know Woody is not wrong. Masturbation, is a natural part of getting to know our bodies in a deeper level. Its self love, self pleasure, a sexual exploration with some touching and rubbing involved. You can masturbate solo or with a partner, consent needs to be given and obtained, always. Not only does it feel good when done right, but it actually comes with a few benefits. Lets take a look...
Masturbation helps you sleep, yes it does! It eases stress and increases relaxation. So on those sleepless nights, get to explorin'.
Masturbation boosts your immunity. Ejaculation releases the hormone cortisol. It’s a stress hormone, but in small doses, it can help strengthen and maintain your immune system.
Masturbation relieves cramps during that wonderful time of the month, ladies. It increases blood flow to the pelvic area and eases the pain and muscle tension.
Masturbation reduces The Risk Of Prostate Cancer Scientific evidence suggest that masturbation may aid men in clearing carcinogens from the prostate. These are the toxins in our urogenital tract that can be flushed away only by ejaculation
Masturbation helps with self esteem and self image. When you orgasm the body produces endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin, you will feel the rush. An amazing feel good chemical for the body.
Masturbation helps make your sex life better in so many levels. Since you already know your body, you know what you want and how you want it. Just make sure to let your partner(s) know, no shame.
Masturbation is good for you, plain and simple. Your time to get to know yourself inside and out. Nothing to be ashamed of its safer than any other type of sex. Teaches us about how our genital feel and look. Did I mention Orgasms provide a gentle workout? Yeah... burn some calories.
Just enjoy yourself, its your body there is nothing wrong with some alone time to figure it out. And no, you will not go blind, grow hair on your palms or get pregnant. You can do it as much as you want, just as long as it doesn't get in the way of your social or work life. Stay safe and thank you for letting me share what I know about masturbation.